Frazier Piano Studio

My Olympic Coach

Starting in the 9th grade I started training with Paul Cummings. I was interested in distance running and he lived in my area. His daughter was a grade older than me and suggested I meet with him to see what he could do with me.

By the end of my freshman year in High School I ran a 4:52 mile and a 10:32 2-mile. My high school was grades 10th through 12th grades so after so, being in the 9th grade, I was still in junior high. Even though I was in the junior high I competed and practiced with the high school track team.

Paul died in a tragic boating accident during my Junior year of High School. Here are the things I learned from him during the couple years I worked with him.

A lot of these principles I see in my best students. What I learned from Paul also influences my teaching philosophy.