My Teaching Philosophy
- every student is capable of great things
- student's will rise to the level of expectation (see the movie Stand and Deliver)
- consistency is more important than intensity (although you actually need both)
- learning is not a quarter in the machine
- talent is a myth
- done is better than perfect
- quantity leads to quality
- develop musical fitness
- learning from peers is critical
- you play the piano with your brain not your fingers
- develop the ear by singing, playing by ear, and playing with others
Many low-stakes performances.
Failures are opportunities to grow. Failure is information. If students are not allowed to fail they cannot succeed.
Leverage your effort to maximum effect.
The best teachers make themselves dispensable. Help the student think for themselves and be their own teacher.
Everyone is ultimately self taught. The teacher is there to speed up and facilitate the process.
Music requires discipline of the body and mind.
See also best students and best teachers.